

Friday, November 01, 2002

I love Halloween! Yesterdays quiz was brilliant, if I say so myself ;)
We had 40 photo copies and ran out half way through the evening.
The questions were as follows:

1.What is the number of the Devil?
Was ist die Zahl des Teufels?
2.Which song beginns with the line: 'There's something weird in the neighbourhood'?
Welches Lied beginnt mit der Zeile: 'There's something weird in the neighbourhood'?
3.What is the day after Halloween called?
Wie heißt der Tag nach Halloween?
4.On what day must a month always start to have a friday 13th?
An welchem Tag muß ein Monat immer anfangen um einen Freitag dem 13ten zu haben?
5.What is unusual about the Italian Stregoni Benefici vampire?
Was ist am Italienischen Vampir Stregoni Benefici ungewöhnlich?
He fights evil wears high heeled shoes sleeps at night
Bekämpft das böse trägt hochhackige Schuhe schlafen Nachts
6.How many table spoonfuls of blood does a Vampire bat need every day?
Wie viele Teelöffel Blut muß eine Vampirfledermaus am Tag trinken?
7.What is Samhainophobia the fear of?
Samhainophobia ist die Angst vor was?
8.What do they celebrate in Mexico instead of Halloween?
Was feiert man in Mexico statt Halloween?
9.In how many films did Christopher Lee play 'Dracula'? 11 16 21
Wie viele Filme hat Christopher Lee als 'Dracula' gemacht? 11 16 21
10.What's the quickest way to kill a werewolf?
Wie tötet man einen Werewolf am schnellsten?
11.True or false: The body of King John of England was exhumed to see if he was a werewolf?
Wahrheit oder Lüge: Die Leiche von König John von England wurde exhumiert um zu sehen ob er ein Werewolf war?
12.Which of Shakespeare's plays is thought of as unlucky?
Welches Theaterstück von Shakespeare bringt angeblich Pech?
13.The actor Brandon Lee who dies during the filming of the crow was the son of which famous actor?
Der Schauspieler Brandon Lee der während den Film arbeiten für 'The Crow' starb war der Sohn von welchen berühmten Schauspieler?
14.What is the name of the serial killer in the film ‚Halloween'?
Wie heißt der Serienkiller im Film ‚Halloween'?
Ben Willis Eric Draven Michael Myers Dave Burke
15.In the United States, how many percent of Americans decorate their homes for Halloween?
In den USA dekorieren wie viel Prozent aller Amerikaner ihr Zuhause für Halloween?
16.Who wrote the infamous book 'Frankenstein'?
Wer schrieb das berühmte Buch 'Frankenstein'?
17.What must you give the ferryman Charon to cross the river Styx?
Was muß man dem Fährmann Charon geben um den Fluß Styx zu überqueren?
18.When was the last public execution in Karlsruhe?
Wann war die letzte öffentliche Enthauptung in Karlsruhe?
19.Match the vampire to the prey they stalk / Verbinde die Vampire mit ihren Opfern:
Churel (India) - - women
Lobishauer (Brazil) - - men
Dearg (Irland) - - children

2.Ghostbusters (suggestions included Aerosmiths 'Livin On The Edge', 'Yesterday' and 'Jingle Bells')
3.All Hallows eve or Aller Heiligen (November 1st is not what I wanted here)
4.Sunday (if you weren't dead on you got no points)
5.He fights evil / Bekämpft das böse
(Polish ones sleep at night, Albanian ones wear high heels)
6.about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. The creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes. (Had everything from 1 to 20 spoon fulls. Best answer was 'Bats don't use spoons', followed up by '2 and a pint of Guiness' and 'As many as his Mummy taught him to drink).
8.Day of the dead / Tag der Toten / Dia de los Muertos (answered as 'Jasmin weiß es net and 'Fest der blutigen Kaninchen')
10.Silver bullet (cheeky answer was 'Make him lisen to Biohazard)
11.True by monks (1199-1216)
12.Macbeth (not spellt Mc Beth, Mc Bath or the witches of eastwick)
13.Bruce Lee (definateyl *NOT* Spike of Christopher Lee)
14.Michael Myers Ben Willis is from 'I Know What U Did Last Summer' Eric Draven is from 'The Crow' Dave Burke
15. 86
16.Mary Shelly
17.A coin
18.1829 (die Raubmörder Qualibert und Damian Maisch) ( other answers included 'last night but no one knows yet, haha' and 'last time I forgot my wifes birthday')
19.Churel (India) - children (spirit of woman who died while pregnant)
Lobishauer (Brazil) - women (leaves myphomanical tendancies in victims)
Dearg (Irland) - men (she's a beautiful woman who can't be killed)

Fancy dress competition winners (as chosen by Charlotte and approved by Scruffy)
1. the elf couple (complete with bow and arrows etc)
2. Wolfgang the devil (1st and 2nd were chosen by tossing a coin after audience couldn't make it's mind up)
3. man with make up like Eric Draven 'the crow'
4. Svenja, who was wearing gorgeous wings
5. Thorsten in kilt

...by the way I'm not sure how *Dave* would have felt about the *Daveil* jokes. Maybe you had to be there to find it funny, but I suppose he *does* have the lil' goat beard like Satan always has in the pictures *g*.