

Saturday, November 09, 2002

Well, we didn't have a tie break, the cursed table doesn't even stop making people talk if five members of the team sitting there are dogs and Tanya wins the toilet roll! :)

1.Which band is playing in Scruffy's on Sunday?
Welche Band spielt am Sontag im Scruffy's?
2.In Greek mythology how many Gorgons were there?
In Griechischer Mythologie gab es wie viele Gorgonen?
3.Which band had hits with songs such as 'November Rain', 'Don't Cry' and 'Paradise City'?
Welche Band hatte Hits mit den Liedern 'November Rain', 'Don't Cry' und 'Paradise City'?
4.What's the Hunchback of Notre Dame called?
Wie hieß der Glöckner von Notre-Dame?
5.On the 5th of November Bonfire night is celebrate in England. What was prevented on this date?
Am 5ten November wird in England 'Bonfire night' gefeiert. Was wurde an diesem Datum verhindert?
6.In what city was the Coca-Cola company founded?
In welcher Stadt wurde die Coca-Cola Firma gegründet?
7.What is pluviophobia the fear of? / Pluviophobi ist die Angst vor was?
8.Which Egyptian Pharaohs tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon?
Die Grabstätte wessen Ägyptischen Pharaos wurde 1922 von Howard Carter und Lord Carnarvon gefunden?
9.How many liters of water does the average American household use a day?
Wie viele Liter Wasser benutzt ein durchschnittlicher Amerikanische Haushalt pro Tag?
10.Where is the European court of Justice?
Wo ist der Europäische Gerichtshof?
11.Since when may women's football teams play on official football fields in Germany?
Seit wann ist in Deutschland Frauenfußball auf offiziellen Spielfeldern erlaubt? 1903 1936 1970 1981
12.Who was known as ''the big O'' by his fans? 
Wer wurde von seinen Fans ''the big O'' genannt?
13.Which glands of the body produce adrenaline and which organ(s) are connected to they to?
Welche Organe des Körpers stellen Adrenalin her und mit welchen anderen Organen sind sie verbunden?
14.Who wrote 'Wuthering Heights'? Bonus: Who sang the song of the same name?
Wer schrieb '' Bonus Von wem ist das Lied mit dm selben Titel?
15.What is the chemical sign for silver?
Wie ist die chemische Abkürzung für Silber?
16.What is also known as the 'green lung' of New York?
Was ist auch als die 'grüne Lunge' New Yorks bekannt?
17.Which country lies immediately east of Chile?
Welches Land liegt genau östlich von Chile?
18.What did G. Sunbach invent in 1914? /Was erfand G. Sunbach 1914?
automatic umbrellas / automatische Regenschirme Cravats / Krawatten zip / Reisverschluß

1.Big bag of sticks
2.3 (within one you got 5 points) 12 being average amoungst German teams
5.On the night of November 4-5, 1605, Guy Fawlks was caught in a cellar underneath the House of Lords and arrested. Under torture he disclosed the names of his accomplices, and with them he was hanged. Guy Fawkes' Night is celebrated on November 5 in Great Britain and some other parts of the British Commonwealth with bonfires and fireworks. (Other suggestions: Date vikings invaded GB, date Napoleon invaded GB and date Germans invaded GB).
6.Atlanta (aka 'the city of sweet drinks' for those who can't remember the name)
7.rain or of being rained on (or apparently 'angst vor Omas selbst gestrickten Pullovern zu Weihnachten' or 'angst zu Pulver zu werden')
9.350 gallons (1324 liters) (5 withing 200 liters)
12.Roy Orbison (Ozzy Osbournes nice guess as was Oliver Kahn *g*)
13.adrenal glands / Kidneys, Nebennieren/ Nieren (3 points for half of question, but no other points for other parts of the body)
14.Emily Bronte / Kate Bush (5 points for each)
15.Ag (Au is GOLD)
16.Central Park
18. zip / Reisverschluß
