

Thursday, November 21, 2002

14th November 2002
The theory of toilet roll to whiskey and vice versa was proven again by Philip winning the toilet roll. Though give him his due, he *did* have 65 points and was picked out of four possible sheets. The winners got 95 out of 100 and the question they slipped up on was the last one. Audience was bigish and the cursed table was full of english people that it effected pretty badly at times.

1.Which band is playing live at Scruffy's on Saturday?
Welche Band spielt im Scruffy's am Samstag live?
2.What is your star sign if your birthday is on Saturday?
Was wäre dein Sternzeichen wenn dein Geburtstag am Samstag wäre?
The Lesley Flanagan memorial question is 3 years old!
3.Which macabre singers real name is Brian Warner?
Welcher makaberer Sänger heißt mit echtem Namen Brian Warner?
4.Which part of his clothing did St. Martin cut in half in the legend?
Welcher Teil seiner Kleidung teilte St. Martin in zwei?
5.Which author wrote 'Interview With A Vampire'?
Welche Autorin schrieb das Buch 'Interview Mit Einem Vampir'?
6.Who had hits with songs such as 'Fly Away', 'Are You Gonna Go My Way' and 'Believe'?
Welcher Sänger hatte Hits mit den Liedern Fly Away', 'Are You Gonna Go My Way' und 'Believe'?
7.What is gerascophobia the fear of?
Gerascophobi ist die Angst vor was?
8.Over which territory are England and Spain currently fighting?
Über den Besitz von welchem Land streiten sich England und Spanien momentan?
9.Which famous Hollywood actress has just been found guilty of shoplifting?
Welche berühmte Hollywood Schauspielerin wurde gerade des Ladendiebstahl für schuldig gesprochen?
10.In which part of the brain is the intelligence?
In welchem Gehirnteil 'sitzt' die Intelligenz?
11.On which American president was an assassination attempt made on in 1981?
Auf welchen US-Präsidenten wurde 1981 ein Attentat verübt?
12.In which group was Phil Collins the drummer? Bonus: Who was their original singer?
Bei welcher Gruppe spielte Phil Collins Schlagzeug? Bonus: Wie hieß der original Sänger?
13.How far can a kangaroo jump in one leap?
Wie weit springt ein Känguruh durchschnittlich?
14.In which country did Madonna and Guy Ritchie get married in on the 22.12.2000?
In welchem Land heirateten Madonna und Guy Ritchie am 22.12.2000?
15.What is the former name of Thailand?
Wie hieß Thailand früher?
16.Who plays the female lead in the German film 'Run Lola Run'? Bonus: Who plays th male lead?
Wer spielte die weibliche Hauptrolle im Film 'Lola Rennt'? Bonus: Wer spielt die männliche?
17.How many pairs of chromosomes does a human being have?
Wie viele Chromosomenpaare hat der Mensch?
18.What did Randall Wise give his chickens to make them lay more eggs?
Was verpasst Randall Wise seinen Hühnern, damit diese mehr Eier legen?
Diamond necklaces / Diamanthalsbänder Red contact lenses / Rote Kontaktlinsen Caviar / Kaviar

1. Roadrunner/nothing as they cancled (not Edith Piaf who Timo dug up, Elvis who *lives*, Jimmy and friends or Charlotte's birthday with a big present promised (I'm still waiting for the latter))
3.Marilyn Mason (Brian Adams?)
4.His cape / Umhang
5.Anne Rice (Agatha Christie or John Carpenter)
6.Lenny Kravitz
7.growing old / alt werden (Giraffen oder ärtzliche Untersuchungen)
9.Winola Ryder
10.Cerebrum / Großhirn (Schwanz)
11.Ronald Reagan
12.Genesis / Peter Gabriel
13.13 (m) (within two meters)
15.Siam bis 1939 und von 1946 bis 1949
16.Franka Potente / Mortiz Bleibtreu
17.23(within two pairs)
18.Red contact lenses / Rote Kontaktlinsen

Monday, November 18, 2002

1.Big bag of sticks
2.3 (within one you got 5 points) 12 being average amoungst German teams
5.On the night of November 4-5, 1605, Guy Fawlks was caught in a cellar underneath the House of Lords and arrested. Under torture he disclosed the names of his accomplices, and with them he was hanged. Guy Fawkes' Night is celebrated on November 5 in Great Britain and some other parts of the British Commonwealth with bonfires and fireworks. (Other suggestions: Date vikings invaded GB, date Napoleon invaded GB and date Germans invaded GB).
6.Atlanta (aka 'the city of sweet drinks' for those who can't remember the name)
7.rain or of being rained on (or apparently 'angst vor Omas selbst gestrickten Pullovern zu Weihnachten' or 'angst zu Pulver zu werden')
9.350 gallons (1324 liters) (5 withing 200 liters)
12.Roy Orbison (Ozzy Osbournes nice guess as was Oliver Kahn *g*)
13.adrenal glands / Kidneys, Nebennieren/ Nieren (3 points for half of question, but no other points for other parts of the body)
14.Emily Bronte / Kate Bush (5 points for each)
15.Ag (Au is GOLD)
16.Central Park
18. zip / Reisverschluß