

Thursday, November 28, 2002

I, Charlotte quizmistress of Scruffy's for one year and eight months, High priestess of the Church of Scruffy's and defender of the *Dave*, would like to officially declare that I have no personal problems with any of the other quizmasters in Karlsruhe. I do not feel threatened or intimidated by them and will continue fulfilling my role to the best of my ability without hindering another quiz in any way. I will only approach the opposition if I believe that they are imitating my quiz (as in copying ideas) and may have to duel them with water pistols. Other than that I am happy to assist the 'beginners' (people who have been organising a quiz for a smaller time period than me) if they require it.

21st November 2002
The person who won the toilet roll was absent (aka Jimmy), the next runner up was a wee bit too drunk and far away, so English Liam is the next one to join the toilet roll hall of fame. We had a tie of 8 teams (!?) for second and third and one woman managed to beat seven men in the tie break for the pitcher, in an example of true girl power. And no, I didn't ask for the capital of Finnland ;)

1.Who hosts the Open Stage at Scruffy's every Tuesday?
Wer organisiert jeden Dienstag das Open Stage in Scruffy's?
2.Who plays James Bond in the newest Bond film? Bonus: What is it called?
Wer spielt im neuen James Bond Film die Hauptrolle? Bonus: Wie heißt der Film?
3.Which female singer recorded the soundtrack to the new James Bond film?
Von welcher berühmten Sängerin ist der Soundtrack zum neuen James Bond Film?
4.Which oscar winning actress plays the newest Bond girl?
Welche oscar Gewinnern spielt das neue Bond girl?
5.Which animal is on the logo for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)?
Welches Tier ist das Symbol des World Wildlife Fund (WWF)?
6.Which famous American was assassinated in Dallas on the 22.11.1963?
Welcher berühmte Amerikaner wurde am 22.11.1963 in Dallas erschossen?
7.What is basophobia the fear of?
Basophobi ist die Angst vor was?
8.Who was the Greek goddess of victory?
Wer war die griechische Göttin des Sieges?
9.How many centimeters can Bamboo grow in one day?
Wie viel cm kann Bambus pro Tag wachsen?
10.Which American actress sang 'Happy Birthday' to the answer of question 6?
Welche Amerikanische Schauspielerin sang 'Happy Birthday' für die Antwort für Frage 6?
11.Which country is also known as 'land of the 1000 lakes'?
Welches Land wird als 'Land der 1000 Seen' bezeichnet?
12.What was the first Western to win a Best Picture Oscar after a 60-year gap?
Welcher Western Film war der erste seit 60 Jahren der einen Oscar gewann?
13.The majorities of tourists to the USA are from which country?
Der Großteil der Touristen in Amerika stammen aus welchem Land?
14.What is the top vertebrae, that carries the head called?
Wie heißt der oberste Halswirbel, der den Kopf trägt?
15.What colour are the stars on the national flag of the Republik of Iraq?
Welche Farben haben die Sterne auf der Flagge von Irak?
16.Which famous musician was also known as 'Satchmo'?
Wer wurde 'Satchmo' genannt?
17.Which is the highest mountain in Europe?
Wie heißt der höchste Berg Europas?
18.What are the Montgolfier brothers famous for inventing?
Für welche Erfindung sind die Montgolfier Brüder berühmt geworden?

1.Jimmy (not Charlotte, 'Jimmy and you' got points too)
2.Pierce Brosnan / Die Another Day (4 points if you just put Another Day)
4.Halle Berry (not 'Helly Berry' but I was very generous on this one)
5.Panda (not extra points for putting 'großer' in brackets after the right answer)
7.inability to stand / fear of falling over (other suggestions: fear of basements/underground, small people, oral sex, deep notes, wrong answers in quiz, dirt and the dark.)
8.Nike (not Marilyn Manson and the people who put Addidas should kick themselves NOW!)
9.60 cm (24 in) / 90 ('genug das Antwort 5 davon satt wird)
10.Marilyn Monroe (Manson)
12.Dances with Wolves (it won 7 all together in 1990) (not 'Wild Wild West', 'Schuh des Manitu' or 'Unforgiven', but I *did* let 'who with wolf dances pass, so I'm not that mean)
13.Canada (Japan and Mexico wrong)
14.Atlas (aka 'Erwin' or 'King Bone' by congregation of Scruffy's)
15.Green /grün (not any other rainbow colour)
16.Louis Armstrong (Ray Charles, Paul Burke or *Dave*)
17.Mont Blanc (4,807 m/15,771 ft)
hot air balloon/Heißluftballon 21.nov.1783 (talking films, cheese in a can and internal combustion engine not correct)