

Thursday, November 28, 2002

I, Charlotte quizmistress of Scruffy's for one year and eight months, High priestess of the Church of Scruffy's and defender of the *Dave*, would like to officially declare that I have no personal problems with any of the other quizmasters in Karlsruhe. I do not feel threatened or intimidated by them and will continue fulfilling my role to the best of my ability without hindering another quiz in any way. I will only approach the opposition if I believe that they are imitating my quiz (as in copying ideas) and may have to duel them with water pistols. Other than that I am happy to assist the 'beginners' (people who have been organising a quiz for a smaller time period than me) if they require it.

21st November 2002
The person who won the toilet roll was absent (aka Jimmy), the next runner up was a wee bit too drunk and far away, so English Liam is the next one to join the toilet roll hall of fame. We had a tie of 8 teams (!?) for second and third and one woman managed to beat seven men in the tie break for the pitcher, in an example of true girl power. And no, I didn't ask for the capital of Finnland ;)

1.Who hosts the Open Stage at Scruffy's every Tuesday?
Wer organisiert jeden Dienstag das Open Stage in Scruffy's?
2.Who plays James Bond in the newest Bond film? Bonus: What is it called?
Wer spielt im neuen James Bond Film die Hauptrolle? Bonus: Wie heißt der Film?
3.Which female singer recorded the soundtrack to the new James Bond film?
Von welcher berühmten Sängerin ist der Soundtrack zum neuen James Bond Film?
4.Which oscar winning actress plays the newest Bond girl?
Welche oscar Gewinnern spielt das neue Bond girl?
5.Which animal is on the logo for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)?
Welches Tier ist das Symbol des World Wildlife Fund (WWF)?
6.Which famous American was assassinated in Dallas on the 22.11.1963?
Welcher berühmte Amerikaner wurde am 22.11.1963 in Dallas erschossen?
7.What is basophobia the fear of?
Basophobi ist die Angst vor was?
8.Who was the Greek goddess of victory?
Wer war die griechische Göttin des Sieges?
9.How many centimeters can Bamboo grow in one day?
Wie viel cm kann Bambus pro Tag wachsen?
10.Which American actress sang 'Happy Birthday' to the answer of question 6?
Welche Amerikanische Schauspielerin sang 'Happy Birthday' für die Antwort für Frage 6?
11.Which country is also known as 'land of the 1000 lakes'?
Welches Land wird als 'Land der 1000 Seen' bezeichnet?
12.What was the first Western to win a Best Picture Oscar after a 60-year gap?
Welcher Western Film war der erste seit 60 Jahren der einen Oscar gewann?
13.The majorities of tourists to the USA are from which country?
Der Großteil der Touristen in Amerika stammen aus welchem Land?
14.What is the top vertebrae, that carries the head called?
Wie heißt der oberste Halswirbel, der den Kopf trägt?
15.What colour are the stars on the national flag of the Republik of Iraq?
Welche Farben haben die Sterne auf der Flagge von Irak?
16.Which famous musician was also known as 'Satchmo'?
Wer wurde 'Satchmo' genannt?
17.Which is the highest mountain in Europe?
Wie heißt der höchste Berg Europas?
18.What are the Montgolfier brothers famous for inventing?
Für welche Erfindung sind die Montgolfier Brüder berühmt geworden?

1.Jimmy (not Charlotte, 'Jimmy and you' got points too)
2.Pierce Brosnan / Die Another Day (4 points if you just put Another Day)
4.Halle Berry (not 'Helly Berry' but I was very generous on this one)
5.Panda (not extra points for putting 'großer' in brackets after the right answer)
7.inability to stand / fear of falling over (other suggestions: fear of basements/underground, small people, oral sex, deep notes, wrong answers in quiz, dirt and the dark.)
8.Nike (not Marilyn Manson and the people who put Addidas should kick themselves NOW!)
9.60 cm (24 in) / 90 ('genug das Antwort 5 davon satt wird)
10.Marilyn Monroe (Manson)
12.Dances with Wolves (it won 7 all together in 1990) (not 'Wild Wild West', 'Schuh des Manitu' or 'Unforgiven', but I *did* let 'who with wolf dances pass, so I'm not that mean)
13.Canada (Japan and Mexico wrong)
14.Atlas (aka 'Erwin' or 'King Bone' by congregation of Scruffy's)
15.Green /grün (not any other rainbow colour)
16.Louis Armstrong (Ray Charles, Paul Burke or *Dave*)
17.Mont Blanc (4,807 m/15,771 ft)
hot air balloon/Heißluftballon 21.nov.1783 (talking films, cheese in a can and internal combustion engine not correct)

Thursday, November 21, 2002

14th November 2002
The theory of toilet roll to whiskey and vice versa was proven again by Philip winning the toilet roll. Though give him his due, he *did* have 65 points and was picked out of four possible sheets. The winners got 95 out of 100 and the question they slipped up on was the last one. Audience was bigish and the cursed table was full of english people that it effected pretty badly at times.

1.Which band is playing live at Scruffy's on Saturday?
Welche Band spielt im Scruffy's am Samstag live?
2.What is your star sign if your birthday is on Saturday?
Was wäre dein Sternzeichen wenn dein Geburtstag am Samstag wäre?
The Lesley Flanagan memorial question is 3 years old!
3.Which macabre singers real name is Brian Warner?
Welcher makaberer Sänger heißt mit echtem Namen Brian Warner?
4.Which part of his clothing did St. Martin cut in half in the legend?
Welcher Teil seiner Kleidung teilte St. Martin in zwei?
5.Which author wrote 'Interview With A Vampire'?
Welche Autorin schrieb das Buch 'Interview Mit Einem Vampir'?
6.Who had hits with songs such as 'Fly Away', 'Are You Gonna Go My Way' and 'Believe'?
Welcher Sänger hatte Hits mit den Liedern Fly Away', 'Are You Gonna Go My Way' und 'Believe'?
7.What is gerascophobia the fear of?
Gerascophobi ist die Angst vor was?
8.Over which territory are England and Spain currently fighting?
Über den Besitz von welchem Land streiten sich England und Spanien momentan?
9.Which famous Hollywood actress has just been found guilty of shoplifting?
Welche berühmte Hollywood Schauspielerin wurde gerade des Ladendiebstahl für schuldig gesprochen?
10.In which part of the brain is the intelligence?
In welchem Gehirnteil 'sitzt' die Intelligenz?
11.On which American president was an assassination attempt made on in 1981?
Auf welchen US-Präsidenten wurde 1981 ein Attentat verübt?
12.In which group was Phil Collins the drummer? Bonus: Who was their original singer?
Bei welcher Gruppe spielte Phil Collins Schlagzeug? Bonus: Wie hieß der original Sänger?
13.How far can a kangaroo jump in one leap?
Wie weit springt ein Känguruh durchschnittlich?
14.In which country did Madonna and Guy Ritchie get married in on the 22.12.2000?
In welchem Land heirateten Madonna und Guy Ritchie am 22.12.2000?
15.What is the former name of Thailand?
Wie hieß Thailand früher?
16.Who plays the female lead in the German film 'Run Lola Run'? Bonus: Who plays th male lead?
Wer spielte die weibliche Hauptrolle im Film 'Lola Rennt'? Bonus: Wer spielt die männliche?
17.How many pairs of chromosomes does a human being have?
Wie viele Chromosomenpaare hat der Mensch?
18.What did Randall Wise give his chickens to make them lay more eggs?
Was verpasst Randall Wise seinen Hühnern, damit diese mehr Eier legen?
Diamond necklaces / Diamanthalsbänder Red contact lenses / Rote Kontaktlinsen Caviar / Kaviar

1. Roadrunner/nothing as they cancled (not Edith Piaf who Timo dug up, Elvis who *lives*, Jimmy and friends or Charlotte's birthday with a big present promised (I'm still waiting for the latter))
3.Marilyn Mason (Brian Adams?)
4.His cape / Umhang
5.Anne Rice (Agatha Christie or John Carpenter)
6.Lenny Kravitz
7.growing old / alt werden (Giraffen oder ärtzliche Untersuchungen)
9.Winola Ryder
10.Cerebrum / Großhirn (Schwanz)
11.Ronald Reagan
12.Genesis / Peter Gabriel
13.13 (m) (within two meters)
15.Siam bis 1939 und von 1946 bis 1949
16.Franka Potente / Mortiz Bleibtreu
17.23(within two pairs)
18.Red contact lenses / Rote Kontaktlinsen

Monday, November 18, 2002

1.Big bag of sticks
2.3 (within one you got 5 points) 12 being average amoungst German teams
5.On the night of November 4-5, 1605, Guy Fawlks was caught in a cellar underneath the House of Lords and arrested. Under torture he disclosed the names of his accomplices, and with them he was hanged. Guy Fawkes' Night is celebrated on November 5 in Great Britain and some other parts of the British Commonwealth with bonfires and fireworks. (Other suggestions: Date vikings invaded GB, date Napoleon invaded GB and date Germans invaded GB).
6.Atlanta (aka 'the city of sweet drinks' for those who can't remember the name)
7.rain or of being rained on (or apparently 'angst vor Omas selbst gestrickten Pullovern zu Weihnachten' or 'angst zu Pulver zu werden')
9.350 gallons (1324 liters) (5 withing 200 liters)
12.Roy Orbison (Ozzy Osbournes nice guess as was Oliver Kahn *g*)
13.adrenal glands / Kidneys, Nebennieren/ Nieren (3 points for half of question, but no other points for other parts of the body)
14.Emily Bronte / Kate Bush (5 points for each)
15.Ag (Au is GOLD)
16.Central Park
18. zip / Reisverschluß

Saturday, November 09, 2002

Well, we didn't have a tie break, the cursed table doesn't even stop making people talk if five members of the team sitting there are dogs and Tanya wins the toilet roll! :)

1.Which band is playing in Scruffy's on Sunday?
Welche Band spielt am Sontag im Scruffy's?
2.In Greek mythology how many Gorgons were there?
In Griechischer Mythologie gab es wie viele Gorgonen?
3.Which band had hits with songs such as 'November Rain', 'Don't Cry' and 'Paradise City'?
Welche Band hatte Hits mit den Liedern 'November Rain', 'Don't Cry' und 'Paradise City'?
4.What's the Hunchback of Notre Dame called?
Wie hieß der Glöckner von Notre-Dame?
5.On the 5th of November Bonfire night is celebrate in England. What was prevented on this date?
Am 5ten November wird in England 'Bonfire night' gefeiert. Was wurde an diesem Datum verhindert?
6.In what city was the Coca-Cola company founded?
In welcher Stadt wurde die Coca-Cola Firma gegründet?
7.What is pluviophobia the fear of? / Pluviophobi ist die Angst vor was?
8.Which Egyptian Pharaohs tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon?
Die Grabstätte wessen Ägyptischen Pharaos wurde 1922 von Howard Carter und Lord Carnarvon gefunden?
9.How many liters of water does the average American household use a day?
Wie viele Liter Wasser benutzt ein durchschnittlicher Amerikanische Haushalt pro Tag?
10.Where is the European court of Justice?
Wo ist der Europäische Gerichtshof?
11.Since when may women's football teams play on official football fields in Germany?
Seit wann ist in Deutschland Frauenfußball auf offiziellen Spielfeldern erlaubt? 1903 1936 1970 1981
12.Who was known as ''the big O'' by his fans? 
Wer wurde von seinen Fans ''the big O'' genannt?
13.Which glands of the body produce adrenaline and which organ(s) are connected to they to?
Welche Organe des Körpers stellen Adrenalin her und mit welchen anderen Organen sind sie verbunden?
14.Who wrote 'Wuthering Heights'? Bonus: Who sang the song of the same name?
Wer schrieb '' Bonus Von wem ist das Lied mit dm selben Titel?
15.What is the chemical sign for silver?
Wie ist die chemische Abkürzung für Silber?
16.What is also known as the 'green lung' of New York?
Was ist auch als die 'grüne Lunge' New Yorks bekannt?
17.Which country lies immediately east of Chile?
Welches Land liegt genau östlich von Chile?
18.What did G. Sunbach invent in 1914? /Was erfand G. Sunbach 1914?
automatic umbrellas / automatische Regenschirme Cravats / Krawatten zip / Reisverschluß

1.Big bag of sticks
2.3 (within one you got 5 points) 12 being average amoungst German teams
5.On the night of November 4-5, 1605, Guy Fawlks was caught in a cellar underneath the House of Lords and arrested. Under torture he disclosed the names of his accomplices, and with them he was hanged. Guy Fawkes' Night is celebrated on November 5 in Great Britain and some other parts of the British Commonwealth with bonfires and fireworks. (Other suggestions: Date vikings invaded GB, date Napoleon invaded GB and date Germans invaded GB).
6.Atlanta (aka 'the city of sweet drinks' for those who can't remember the name)
7.rain or of being rained on (or apparently 'angst vor Omas selbst gestrickten Pullovern zu Weihnachten' or 'angst zu Pulver zu werden')
9.350 gallons (1324 liters) (5 withing 200 liters)
12.Roy Orbison (Ozzy Osbournes nice guess as was Oliver Kahn *g*)
13.adrenal glands / Kidneys, Nebennieren/ Nieren (3 points for half of question, but no other points for other parts of the body)
14.Emily Bronte / Kate Bush (5 points for each)
15.Ag (Au is GOLD)
16.Central Park
18. zip / Reisverschluß


Friday, November 01, 2002

I love Halloween! Yesterdays quiz was brilliant, if I say so myself ;)
We had 40 photo copies and ran out half way through the evening.
The questions were as follows:

1.What is the number of the Devil?
Was ist die Zahl des Teufels?
2.Which song beginns with the line: 'There's something weird in the neighbourhood'?
Welches Lied beginnt mit der Zeile: 'There's something weird in the neighbourhood'?
3.What is the day after Halloween called?
Wie heißt der Tag nach Halloween?
4.On what day must a month always start to have a friday 13th?
An welchem Tag muß ein Monat immer anfangen um einen Freitag dem 13ten zu haben?
5.What is unusual about the Italian Stregoni Benefici vampire?
Was ist am Italienischen Vampir Stregoni Benefici ungewöhnlich?
He fights evil wears high heeled shoes sleeps at night
Bekämpft das böse trägt hochhackige Schuhe schlafen Nachts
6.How many table spoonfuls of blood does a Vampire bat need every day?
Wie viele Teelöffel Blut muß eine Vampirfledermaus am Tag trinken?
7.What is Samhainophobia the fear of?
Samhainophobia ist die Angst vor was?
8.What do they celebrate in Mexico instead of Halloween?
Was feiert man in Mexico statt Halloween?
9.In how many films did Christopher Lee play 'Dracula'? 11 16 21
Wie viele Filme hat Christopher Lee als 'Dracula' gemacht? 11 16 21
10.What's the quickest way to kill a werewolf?
Wie tötet man einen Werewolf am schnellsten?
11.True or false: The body of King John of England was exhumed to see if he was a werewolf?
Wahrheit oder Lüge: Die Leiche von König John von England wurde exhumiert um zu sehen ob er ein Werewolf war?
12.Which of Shakespeare's plays is thought of as unlucky?
Welches Theaterstück von Shakespeare bringt angeblich Pech?
13.The actor Brandon Lee who dies during the filming of the crow was the son of which famous actor?
Der Schauspieler Brandon Lee der während den Film arbeiten für 'The Crow' starb war der Sohn von welchen berühmten Schauspieler?
14.What is the name of the serial killer in the film ‚Halloween'?
Wie heißt der Serienkiller im Film ‚Halloween'?
Ben Willis Eric Draven Michael Myers Dave Burke
15.In the United States, how many percent of Americans decorate their homes for Halloween?
In den USA dekorieren wie viel Prozent aller Amerikaner ihr Zuhause für Halloween?
16.Who wrote the infamous book 'Frankenstein'?
Wer schrieb das berühmte Buch 'Frankenstein'?
17.What must you give the ferryman Charon to cross the river Styx?
Was muß man dem Fährmann Charon geben um den Fluß Styx zu überqueren?
18.When was the last public execution in Karlsruhe?
Wann war die letzte öffentliche Enthauptung in Karlsruhe?
19.Match the vampire to the prey they stalk / Verbinde die Vampire mit ihren Opfern:
Churel (India) - - women
Lobishauer (Brazil) - - men
Dearg (Irland) - - children

2.Ghostbusters (suggestions included Aerosmiths 'Livin On The Edge', 'Yesterday' and 'Jingle Bells')
3.All Hallows eve or Aller Heiligen (November 1st is not what I wanted here)
4.Sunday (if you weren't dead on you got no points)
5.He fights evil / Bekämpft das böse
(Polish ones sleep at night, Albanian ones wear high heels)
6.about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. The creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes. (Had everything from 1 to 20 spoon fulls. Best answer was 'Bats don't use spoons', followed up by '2 and a pint of Guiness' and 'As many as his Mummy taught him to drink).
8.Day of the dead / Tag der Toten / Dia de los Muertos (answered as 'Jasmin weiß es net and 'Fest der blutigen Kaninchen')
10.Silver bullet (cheeky answer was 'Make him lisen to Biohazard)
11.True by monks (1199-1216)
12.Macbeth (not spellt Mc Beth, Mc Bath or the witches of eastwick)
13.Bruce Lee (definateyl *NOT* Spike of Christopher Lee)
14.Michael Myers Ben Willis is from 'I Know What U Did Last Summer' Eric Draven is from 'The Crow' Dave Burke
15. 86
16.Mary Shelly
17.A coin
18.1829 (die Raubmörder Qualibert und Damian Maisch) ( other answers included 'last night but no one knows yet, haha' and 'last time I forgot my wifes birthday')
19.Churel (India) - children (spirit of woman who died while pregnant)
Lobishauer (Brazil) - women (leaves myphomanical tendancies in victims)
Dearg (Irland) - men (she's a beautiful woman who can't be killed)

Fancy dress competition winners (as chosen by Charlotte and approved by Scruffy)
1. the elf couple (complete with bow and arrows etc)
2. Wolfgang the devil (1st and 2nd were chosen by tossing a coin after audience couldn't make it's mind up)
3. man with make up like Eric Draven 'the crow'
4. Svenja, who was wearing gorgeous wings
5. Thorsten in kilt

...by the way I'm not sure how *Dave* would have felt about the *Daveil* jokes. Maybe you had to be there to find it funny, but I suppose he *does* have the lil' goat beard like Satan always has in the pictures *g*.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

*drum roll*
Introducing...the official Quizmisstress Weblog™!
This is the first of it's kind in Karlsruhe, the city of Irish Pub Quizzes! See behind the making of the Scruffy's Irish Pub Quiz™! Keep regular updates on how annoying the Encarta can be! See the questions and answers after the quiz has been held! Keep track of possible theme quizzes! Maybe even with guest appearances by the famous *Dave*!
All exclusively written by the one and only quiz queen Charlotte.